Posted by : MQ Saturday 8 September 2012

Age gnaws at life
Without respite –
Incessantly; insidiously; 
Unnerving in its non–rhythmicity: 
Irregular pendulums– 
Not on clocks–
Dump cold milestones: 
Another wrinkle; another grey hair; 
Another memory…

I stoked the fire.
A cackling ember broke ranks, 
Deluded by escape.
I killed it–
As I do a memory.

It’s the pain you see–
The memory bears the pain: 
It hurts my gut, my heart, 
My eyes…

I up the volume–
Let the hi-fi sing
A solemn Herbert Howells–
Drowns the memory, see.

I turn to stoke the fire again, 
Staying the blankness.

Copyright © Mark R Slaughter 2010